Trevor Sullivan's Tech Room

Minding the gap between administration and development

Intel vPro: Finding AMT Objects in Active Directory

Posted by Trevor Sullivan on 2009/11/11

If you are using Out Of Band (OOB) Management in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2007 SP1 (or greater) to manage your Intel vPro clients, you may have noticed that computer objects are created in your Active Directory domain during provisioning of the Intel vPro firmware. These computer objects are created by the amtproxymgr component of an OOB Service Point, and allow Intel vPro to communicate directory with Active Directory, regardless of the operating system state.

Since these vPro computer objects appear very similar to standard computer objects that are created when joining a Windows OS to an AD domain, it may be hard to distinguish which ones are vPro accounts, and which ones aren’t. This situation can be worsened if you somehow have Windows computer accounts mixed into the same OU that contains your AMT objects.

As you’ll see below, it’s very easy to locate these computers using some simple PowerShell code:

$vprosearcher = [adsisearcher]”(&(objectclass=computer)(serviceprincipalname=*:16993*)(samaccounttype=805306368))”
$vproaccounts = $vprosearcher.FindAll()

These two lines of code simply create a System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher instance, with some LDAP search criteria to identify the accounts, and then assigns the results of this search to a PowerShell variable called $vproaccounts. The default search root is the top-level of your Active Directory domain, and the default search scope is already set to SubTree, so you don’t have to specifically configure these settings on the DirectorySearcher. Once you’re at this point, you can simply enumerate the accounts, or pipe the results into a PowerShell ForEach loop, and perform some operation against them (for example, givem them a Description attribute value).

Because this code sample uses the “adsisearcher” type accelerator (aka. type shortcut), it will only work with PowerShell v2.0 (included as part of the Windows Management Framework), unless you modify PowerShell v1.0 to include it. There’s almost no reason not to be using PowerShell 2.0, now that it has been officially released, however.

I recommend using the free Quest PowerGUI tool to develop and debug PowerShell scripts.

One Response to “Intel vPro: Finding AMT Objects in Active Directory”

  1. […] Intel vPro: Finding AMT Objects in Active Directory « Trevor Sullivan's Tech Room Filed under: System Center, ConfigMgr 2007, vPro, Intel […]

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